Islam | What is Islam | Definition of Islam


 The Most Beautiful Religion In The World

There are different religions in the world but indeed the most beautiful religion is Islam, the followers of Islam are called Muslims which constitute about 1.9 billion of the population in the world today, making the Islam second-largest religion in the world.

What Is Islam
Islam is the method that God Almighty has set for people to be righteous upon him, and their lives will be based on him, and that His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - has shown them to them, and that Islam has a set of principles and foundations that a person must be a true Muslim to abide by; These principles and foundations are called the Pillars of Islam, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - has shown them in many authentic texts and hadiths, and all Islamic doctrines have agreed on these pillars, so every person who believes in these pillars is considered a complete Muslim, and whoever disbelieves in any of these pillars The pillars as if disbelieved them all.

Definition of Islam
Islam has two linguistic and idiomatic meanings, and the following is a statement of that:

Literal Meanings of Islam

Islam is subjugation because it is safe from piety and abstention. Islam is used in the language of the Arabs as an aggressor and an imperative: As for its use as an aggressor, for example, Islam is said to be the subject of his command to God: that is, give him peace. As for its use, it is necessary: ​​its meaning is to lead and enter into peace, i.e. surrender, just as the morning is to enter in the morning, and ihram is entering the sanctuary, and the meaning of Islam is necessary due to its meaning transgressing because it is from criticism and surrendered to others, he surrendered to himself and delivered to him With his chains.

Definition of Islam as a Convention
Islam in the terminology combines two meanings: the first: surrender and surrender, and the second: sincerity and uniqueness of that to God and its title are saying: There is no god but God. Islam has two meanings: a shared religion: it is the worship of God alone and has no partner, which was sent by all the prophets, peace and blessings be upon them. What is related to the Prophet of God, Muhammad ﷺ (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) from the law and the curriculum, which is the law, the method, and the truth, and has two ranks: one of them: the apparent from the say and action, which is the Pillars of Islam, and the second: that that apparent conform to the interior, Ragheb Al-Isfahani says: Islam in the Sharia Two strikes: one of them: without faith, which is the recognition of the tongue, and for him the blood is injected, a belief has occurred with him or not, and it was intended to him by the Almighty says:        
 قَالَتِ الأَعْرَابُ آمَنَّا قُلْ لَمْ تُؤْمِنُوا وَلَكِنْ قُولُوا أَسْلَمْنَا
(The Arabs said, “Say, do not believe. Rather, say, our peace!)

Confessing is a belief in the heart, true fulfillment, and surrender to God in all that has been judged and appreciated, as God mentioned about Abraham, peace be upon him, in the Almighty saying:

إِذْ قَالَ لَهُ رَبُّهُ أَسْلِمْ قَالَ أَسْلَمْتُ لِرَبِّ الْعَالَمِين
(When his Lord told him of Islam, he said: I became Muslim to the Lord of the Worlds)

Aesthetic of Islam
Islam is the religion of God revealed to him by the seal of his prophets and messengers(may God accept him) as our religion, and Almighty Allah is merciful who loves beauty therefore he chose ISLAM as the religion for men as it has always been beautiful and will remain so! Every ugliness is not from Islam in anything, nor is it from the religion of God, but rather is an urgent objection against it from Muslims who did not rise to represent his aestheticism, as it was marred by the stubbornness of ignorance and relapse to the bad guidance of the rigid traditions that are left behind the Beauty of Islam.

Islam is beautiful in its belief and perception; It is beautiful because it is the religion of instinct, and it is beautiful because it is the religion of reason, and it is beautiful because it is the religion of freedom, as there is no compulsion in it, and because freedom is beautiful. And because the biggest types of ugliness are coercion; The most beautiful types of faith were not true belief and conviction in the aesthetic of Islam.

There is no need for Islam with slaves to the sword of oppression, and awe of the power of force, but rather for slaves who believe in God, surrender, and love! So submitting to love is the pinnacle of beauty, and submitting to the sword or the might of oppression is the tip of hypocrisy, and from there it is the pinnacle of ugliness.

Islam led the believers in the power of persuasion and the interaction of conscience, so he inferred the truth that he brought with the evidence of majesty and the evidence of beauty, and the uniqueness of the Holy Qur’an using the aesthetic guide, as is evident in Surat Al-Nahl, which can be considered a surah of aesthetic reasoning, which is reflected in the aesthetic of the prophetic model and the first generation of believers.

Islam presented itself through a living model in beauty, which is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace and blessings be upon him), a model in the beauty of creation, and a model in the delicate sense of beauty and the cultivation of aesthetic taste, so he owned his companions their benefits, and their entire family captured him so that he is attributed to the companion the poet Hassan bin Al-Ansari Thabet Al-Ansari, this meaning that has been spoken frequently among the Companions, where he says:

خُلقتَ مُبَرَّأً من كل عـــــي -  كأنك قد خُلقتَ كما تشاءُ
وأفضل منك لم تَرَ قطُّ عيني - وأجمل منك لم تَلِدِ النساءُ

The companions, may God be pleased with them, who realized the beauty of Islam and tasted it, did not find it difficult or stubborn to introduce it, because they understood it right to understand, tasted its taste and sensed its beautiful fruits, and the qualitative transformation it brought about in their lives, so they presented it with the same beautiful image that they realized from their faith and belief in the Messenger of God Upon him.

We almost feel the overflowing feeling of the beauty of Islam in the famous speech of Ja`far bin Abi Talib when he spoke to the Negus king of Abyssinia, saying: “O king, we ate the dead, we came to abominations, cut off the wombs, and abused the neighborhood, the strong from us ate, and we were on that until God sent Exalted to be He, a prophet and a messenger to us, we know his lineage, sincerity, honesty, and chastity.

So he called us to God Almighty to unite and worship Him, and take off what we and our fathers worshiped without stones and idols, and commanded us the truth of the hadith, the performance of trustworthiness, the connection of the womb, good neighborliness, cessation of incest and blood, and forbidding immorality and saying falsehood, and eating the money of an orphan and slander of the fortified, He commanded us to worship God and do not share anything with Him.

And he commanded us to pray, zakat and fasting, so we believed him and believed in him and followed him according to what he brought, so we worshiped God alone and did not share anything with him, and deprived us of what was prohibited on us, and we analyzed what is permissible for us, so our people fell on us, so they tortured us and tempted us from our religion, to return us to the idol worship of God Almighty And to take advantage of what we were taking away from the evil when they oppressed us and oppressed us and made it difficult for us, and they tried between us and our religion, we went out to your country, and we chose you for whoever you are, and we desire your neighborhoods, and we hope that we will not oppress you, O king.

Al-Najashi said to him: Do you have anything from God? Ja`far said to him: Yes, then the Negus told him: So he read to me, and he read to him a chest of "Khi`as" (Surat Maryam); Al-Najashi cried until he bearded his beard, and his bishops cried until they turned their Koran when they heard what was recited to them. Then the Negus said: This is what Jesus came up with to get out of one niche, go! By God, I will never hand them over to you.

This is what we find in the answer to the simple Arab Muslim soldier Rubai bin Aamir, who entered Rustam, the leader of the Persians. So, the latter asked him: “What brought you ?!” Rabbi bin Aamer replied: “God has sent us to send the servants from the worship of the servants to the worship of the Lord of the servants, from the oppression of religions to the justice of Islam, and from the narrowness of the world to the vastness of the world and the hereafter.”

This is how Islam was presented to that pagan Arab Bedouin man who used to worship idols out of a stone that he would make with his hand, or whoever passes would make it with his hand and worship it at the beginning of the day and then eat it at the end when he starves. Islam came as a religion of freedom and emancipation, so it soon moved from a state of Bedouin and nature to a messenger of freedom and liberation.

This is how Islam brought about the greatest change in human collective life. She used to live a life closer to primitive, and a culture of revenge prevails and she lives in a state of tribal infighting that almost does not stop, and she sees in the woman a disgrace and considers that she deserves nothing but a live parentage, and if it is written for her to live then she is nothing but Luggage is sold, bought and inherited, as are the remaining baggage.

Thus, Islam - through the largest collective taming and restructuring of the collective mindset within 23 years of the revelation - transferred an entire society of a marginal human group, made up of rival tribes and territory to a nation with an entity in which man lives a peaceful life with honesty, equality, justice, respect, and brotherhood despite having a different cast, color, culture, and natural attributes. This is the beauty of Islam that can be observed by a man of every era.


  1. Indeed Islam is the most beautiful religion, nice information


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